Monday, November 11, 2013


October: Red Ribbon Week
"We'd Rather Eat Bugs Than Do Drugs!"

Even out here in the desert we see signs of fall.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

One Month Completed

I received this friendly letter from a student on a day that marked exactly
one month of school. I'd say we are off to great start this year!
(Knuffle Bunny is a picture book about a little girl and her much
beloved stuffed bunny.)

Fall Is Here!

To welcome the fall season our class created a geometric pumpkin quilt. The students
are often fascinated by two things when it comes to this activity:
1. That this is considered math.
2. That we only use squares to create each piece*.
*More specifically, they are thrilled to learn that they can cut a square from
corner to corner to create two triangles.
Each time we build a quilt in class, I always ask the students how many
squares they think we will need for the current pattern. This time I asked, "How many orange squares do we need for the pumpkin?" All students who answered thought we needed TWO. (We
used four!). Watching children develop spatial concepts is always interesting!

Family Cultural Night

Our school's first annual Family Cultural Night was a smashing success! Many classrooms participated by representing various cultures from around the world. Our room represented the Native American Indian Culture (Cherokee) by creating Dreamcatchers.

Character Counts: Trustworthiness


Character Counts!

For the month of September, the students learned about the traits of a trustworthy friend by
creating friendship kits.


Friday, August 16, 2013

Goodbye Summer!

Today was a teacher work day and that must mean the end of summer vacation is near.